Parent resources
We parents in 2025 are facing many challenges. From balancing work and family life, raising children in a digital age and just dealing with the stress of day to day life….just to mane a few. Communities Alive understands these challenges, as many of us are parents ourselves, so our NGO , through the program Alive to the World is offering that much needed support in the area of Virtues and Character Education.
While we are in the process of being implemented in some schools, parents, the first educators of our children can be proactive in our approach to parenting, by seeking to find our own solutions to the challenges we face. As such our website has compiled a myriad of resources – written, podcasts, links and videos to assist in addressing many possible concerns and questions that you may have.
Please also feel free to drop us a line with any questions you may have.
Digital delimma
Educating in the the New Technologies (Article)
Technology shapes to a great extent our lives today. We need to be in control of it so that its use helps us grow in virtue.
The social dilemma (Movie documentary)
A powerful documentary explaining the AI behind social media that makes you feel you are navigating freely while leading you along to spend money.
More that just video games (Video)
Parents are faced with unique challenges of trying to raise their children understanding that there is a lot more to enjoy in the world beyond television and video games. Some of the families who have made the transition share the challenges and joys of taking this firm decision to guide their children towards healthier entertainment.
Does your teen want social media? (Video)
Katy from CanaVox recommends implementing the 4 step apprenticeship model when introducing social media to your teens.
How do video games affect brain development in children? (Article)
Experts examine the effects of video games on the brain to show that parts of the brain can atrophy with excess use of video games.
The dangers of the media – internet pornography (Video)
This video provides facts and true stories to help parents to be more aware of the dangers of the media in exposing their children to pornography in ways they may find surprising.
The dangers of the media – child predators (Video)
This video provides facts and true stories to help parents to be more aware of the dangers of the media in exposing their children to predators.
Chastity and pornography addiction (text)
Dr. Kevin Majeres provides a useful framework for understanding and practicing chastity
Internet Pornography – the numbers (Web page)
There’s significant research emanating from academic circles which suggests that online pornography is not without significant social and economic costs.
Education in healthy sexuality
CanaVox (website)
Rooted in natural law, social science and plain good sense, CanaVox provides support and instruction on the meaning and magnificence of marriage to help you start a study group with your friends.
A psychoanalytical look at sex education today (text)
Dr. Melvin Anchell suggest that sex education ought to be adapted to three natural phases in the development of a child.
Rethinking Contraception 50 years after Humanae Vitae
Here are four links. Two provide info from a health perspective and the other two give a moral analysis.
1. Birth control methods compared (Table)
2. Birth control and women’s brains (TED talk)
3. The fallout of the sexual revolution and the pill (Article)
See also the video clip: Adam and Eve and pill
4. Contraception and social change (Video)
Effect of Natural Family Planning on Marital Dynamics (text)
A recent study shows that couples using Natural Family Planning find it beneficial to their marriages because it respects the natural fertility cycles in the woman and improves communication between the spouses as they plan their family and intimacy together. There is, however, the challenge of abstaining.
Fertility Awareness (website)
Natural Womanhood is a relatively new website that explains new research on the female fertility cycle showing how it relates to the overall health of the woman.
The Billings Ovulation Method (website)
The Billings Ovulation Method®is a natural method of fertility management. It is a simple way to postpone or achieve pregnancy and monitor reproductive health without drugs or devices.
How to speak to your children about sexuality – the fertility cycle (text)
A mother explains the female fertility cycle to her daughter.
The science of female menstrual health has huge gaps (article)
This article comments on a piece in Scientific American on why there is so much taboo and lack of research on menstrual health.
Talking about sex to your children (text)
Cana Vox tips for speaking to your children about sex according to age.
Helping our children thrive in a confusing time (Video)
Author and speaker Meg Meeker talks about the challenge of hyper-sexualization faced by children today and how parents can protect them. She highlights the important role of fathers in this task.
Male and female he created them (text)
A summary of the teaching of the Catholic Church on the complementarity between the sexes
Navigating Gender Ideology (video presentation)
Ana Samuel talks about the shortcomings in the current trends in the media regarding gender differences
The gender equality paradox (Video)
Body and soul (Video)
A synopsis of the classical understanding of the distinction yet unity between the body and the soul
The existence of the human soul (Text)
Here are some arguments that illustrate the existence of a spiritual soul in man.
Human Freedom (text)
Cormac Burke explains freedom and its connection with commitment, responsibility, love and obedience.
12. In Vitro Fertilization. The human cost (article)
Scientific research shows that there are huge downsides to IVF that should not be ignored nor taken lightly.
13. Reasons to oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide (article)
This article presents five points to explain why euthanasia and assisted suicide should not be supported
13. Unplanned (Movie)
Based on the real life story of Abby Johnson who discovers the incoherency in Planned Parenthood policies as she rises through the ranks of this organization. She comes to understand the horror of abortion and has to reconcile within herself the abortions she had and those she facilitated.
14. Curiosity. Life before birth (Video)
A documentary revealing the marvels that occur in a woman’s body when she conceives and nurtures a child in her womb.
14. A new look at abortion (Article)
An updated summary that looks at abortion from several perspectives – biological, psychological, spiritual, ethical and legal and the need for compassion.
The virtues
14. The virtue of justice (Power point presentation)
An in depth presentation of the three types of justice: commutative justice, legal justice and social justice.
10. Mastering yourself (text)
The struggle to live temperance helps us to have a more fully human life
4. Helping children regulate their emotions (Video)
Dr. Allan Schore on How to Help Children Regulate their Emotional States
4. Virtue and happiness (Video)
A short video showing the importance of virtue for happiness
10. “Grit”: The power of passion and perseverance (Video)
Angela Lee Duckworth describes her research findings showing the importance of “grit” for success.
11. Educating in Chastity and love (article)
Louise Kirk explains the gaps in many of the mainstream sex education programs and suggest that the approach of Alive to the World addresses these issues
17. The science of kindness (video)
There are scientifically proven benefits to being kind! It is contagious, teachable, and makes you feel happy inside.
4. The love Friendship (Article)
Five key truths about friendship from C.S. Lewis.
1. Virtue, Friendship and happiness (Video presentation)
Third in the series of videos by Dr. Jennifer Frey on happiness.
9. Happiness and the meaning of life (Video presentation)
The first in a series of six talks on happiness by Jennifer Frey. She shows that happiness demands self control and the search for the truth.
11. Happiness and the good life (Video presentation)
The second in a series of six talks on happiness by Jennifer Frey. She explains the inadequacy of subjectivism and the importance of openness to others for a happy life.
Family values
15. Fighting corruption (TED talk)
Using the economic crisis in Greece as an example, Nikos Passas looks at the causes of corruption and how it undermines the economy of a nation.
16. A politics of “we” (TED talk)
In this electrifying talk, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks gives us three specific ways we can move from the politics of “me” to the politics of “all of us, together.”
2. The perennial value of the family (text)
Researcher David Isaacs explains three characteristics of the family that give it perennial value.
3. Connect to reconnect (Video)
A moving clip encouraging family members to get to know each other.
1. Your Baby’s Brain by Dr. Gail Gross (Web pages)
Today, neuroscience shows us what parents and educators have long suspected: your child needs quality bonding time with other human beings from the very beginning, especially from his/her parents.
Part 1: Nurture Is As Important As Nature
Part 2: Environmental Influence
Part 3: Windows of Opportunity
2. An introduction to interpersonal neurobiology (web page)
Dr. Dan Siegel brings many fields of study together to explore interpersonal communication.
3. Attachment Trauma and Effect (video)
Dr. Allan Schore on Attachment Trauma and Effects of Neglect and Abuse on Brain Development
12. Sin as selfish destruction (Video presentation)
Fourth in the series of videos by Dr. Jennifer Frey on happiness.
13. Tragic optimism (text)
Victor Frankl explains his work using logotherapy to help people to deal with tragic experiences.
5. Man’s Search for meaning by Victor Frankl (pdf). See also book summary (video clip)
An inspiring story from a concentration camp survivor about the role of meaning in life for survival.
6. Modernity and Morality (video)
Bishop Baron shows how the understanding of morality today in many sectors is shaped by the subjective twist of modern philosophy.
7. The importance of relationships for happiness (TED talk by Robert Waldinger)
What Makes a Good Life? Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness
8. Standing on the shoulders of giants (TED talk by Austin Stanford)
Austin Stanford discusses the importance of intentionally seeking out mentors while also being aware enough to learn from those who color our stories, whether intentionally or inadvertently, every day.
12. The power of vulnerability (video)
Researcher Brené Browne describes her research that demonstrated the importance of relationships for happiness
13. We Can’t outsource conscience (Article with embedded video)
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Templeton speech on the need for critical thinking and responsible decision making.
7. Every kid needs a champion (video)
A rousing call to educators to believe in their students and actually connect with them on a real, human and personal level.
8. Right and Wrong (Doodle video)
C. S. Lewis explores the notions of Right and Wrong as clues to the meaning of the Universe
9. The lost tools of learning (Article)
Dorothy Sayers suggests that modern education is failing to transmit proper tools for critical thinking which make people vulnerable to manipulation by the media.
1. Seeking a solid education in a liquid society (Article)
How should people learn to be protagonists in the changes that our society needs?
13. The Dump Him List (Video)
Crystalina Evert, co-author of “How to Find Your Soulmate without Losing Your Soul,” offers a list of more than a dozen signs that it’s time to let go of your relationship. If you hope to find lasting love, then it’s time to stop ignoring the red flags.
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Tel: (868) 332 0040