Training for school champions

On Saturday 1st. and Saturday 8th. June the first session of Teacher/Champions for 19 schools took place for the Alive to the World program. The Training was conducted by zoom to facilitate attendance by persons from all over Trinidad. The sessions comprised lectures, breakout sessions, group discussion and independent work. The two sessions were four hours each.

The zoom training, the first of its kind for teachers, was oversubscribed, and will be continuing for the rest of June, with sessions also in July and August. The teachers, who have been chosen to champion the programme in their schools, were very interactive, and showed a high level of involvement. The essays submitted gave insights and solutions provided by our teachers, who are interacting with the children of our nation on a daily basis. They are invaluable to us, as parents in helping with the education of our own children’s minds and hearts. The discussion topics for the break-out rooms provided very insightful and creative responses to the questions asked, which indicates that the participants had a good command of the concepts being introduced. We. at Communities Alive certainly look forward to working with these educators in implementing the Alive to the World program throughout our nation’s schools in addressing social ills by building character in the next generation.